
Michelle Chan

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Pause (i)

Newsletter Michelle Chan (littledotrice) Pause (i) Dear you How are you? It's been two months since I last wrote to you. How has life been treating you lately? I have to confess, I felt conflicted when I was writing for this month's newsletter. It's been a while since the last one as I was away, I underestimated the time involved in picking it up again, and the time and energy needed to curate content that I feel is truly noteworthy to write about. But then, instead of skipping it again like...

Newsletter Michelle Chan (littledotrice) Issue #5: Building Relationships via Photography image credit: Dennese Victoria at Two chairs, a table in between. No talking once we begin.Not much before, perhaps, or even after. Only hands on the table. One or two, it depends. We hold hands until one of us feels it is time to go. A camera documents quietly but only the hands are seen in frame. On one side of the table, a blank piece of paper. Leave a name. Not each...

Monthly Newsletter Michelle Chan (littledotrice) Issue #4: Photobooks as Living Spaces "As a designer, I don't take photographs but I specialise in creating photobooks. There is a Japanese proverb that describes the intense dedication required for photobook production, and it perfectly captures my passion for creating photobooks over anything else. The saying goes something like this, 'I'd rather make a photobook than to have a secured job.' The reason behind this preference is that creating...

Monthly Newsletter Michelle Chan (littledotrice) Issue #3: On Photography and Space "The way the images is formed oscillates between each image being an image, and then the eye having to take all these pixels and put together an image. So just playing on this idea of how the material and the digital are confused all the time." --Sarah Sze (@sarahszestudio) Sleepers (2024), an array of ever-changing projections suspended throughout the space that coalesce as both memento mori and memento...

Monthly Newsletter Michelle Chan (littledotrice) Issue #2: On Looking Hong Kong Art Month "These works are the reminder of an older time, when life had a slower pace, allowing more intimacy to be appreciated through the rich expressions contained in each letter and the joy of waiting." --Movana Chen (@movanachen) Love Letter #17 (2023), hand-written letters sent to the artist from friends, family and loved are shredded, deconstructed and knitted into a visceral sculptural form. Dear you, How...

Monthly Newsletter Michelle Chan (littledotrice) Issue #1: On Looking - Why it Matters? "What I'd like to see in my photographs is a perfect world with a crack inside. My job's to first make the image attractive enough to make people want to look at the story I tell them, and then to give them a slap in the face." --Erwin Olaf (@studioerwinolaf) Life - For Mom, a black+white stop-motion that is composed of photos taken every minute in 11 days. Dear you, Thank you for reading my very first...